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Research & Clinical Projects



2017 on            Endothelin and CTGF in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I have presented research ideas                              to both the Royal London Hospital and University College London. Experimental projects                              have been accepted at UCL for BSc and MSc projects for collaborative work between both                            institutions. Partial funding by student research fees and Cutlers Fellowship Award. This                                Fellowship also covers costs of an international visit and collaboration with the Saint                                      Antoine Hospital in Paris.


2017 on            Planning of a Phase 2-3 clinical trial for Endothelin Receptor antagonists in Colorectal                           Cancer. Progression of work from my PhD and previous publications.


2008-14            PhD Research: Endothelin-1 and Receptors in Colorectal Cancer. I introduced new                                       laboratory techniques to UCL and proved ET-1 modulation of tumour and stromal cells.                                 Work involved proliferation, migration and contraction of relevant cells, gene arrays, PCR,                             q-PCR, protein expression, quantum dot analysis and auto-radiography pharmacodynamics                             and kinetics. Silencing RNA was also created to prove findings. Thesis, multiple                                             publications and presentations produced. Continued publications, laboratory and clinical                                 work planned. University College London.


2003                 B.Sc. Research Project: “Predicting Clinical Efficacy of Antibody Directed Enzyme                                 Prodrug Therapy”.  I used novel laboratory techniques to show CEA distribution within                               Colonic Adenocarcinomas, localisation of antibody fusion proteins, cell apoptosis and post-                           treatment proliferation of cells.  UCL and Royal Free oncology departments.

Clinical Projects

2018 on            Surgical Emergency Pathway at Basildon & Thurrock Hospital. As described under                                 positions of responsibility, I am working to enhance the emergency surgical services at                                   BTUH and designing a number of ambulatory pathways to safely avoid admissions and                                 expedite patient treatment.


2019 on            Enhanced Recovery at Basildon & Thurrock Hospital. Following a meeting with nurse                              specialist, I am looking at formalising an enhanced recovery protocol by sharing                                              experiences from developing this at Peterborough City Hospital.

2018                 Enhanced Recovery Protocol. I worked with our colorectal nurse specialist to create a                                 protocol that aligned departmental MDT practice and empowered patients to achieve an                                 enhanced recovery program. Encouraging feedback and awaiting implementation.                                           Peterborough City Hospital.


2017                 Altering clinical practice related to the electronic prescribing system (JAC).  We looked                           at the use of this system on daily ward-rounds following a number of reported incidents of                             prescribing errors.

2015                 Protocol for Multiple Rib Fractures in Trauma Patients. Queens Hospital, Romford.


2015                 CEPOD Booking Form. Designed a CEPOD booking form to be filled in by the on-call                               surgical team, anaesthetic and CEPOD theatre team for patient safety.  Queens Hospital,                                 Essex


2014                 Day Surgery Pathway & Protocol.  Following a number of serious incidents, I devised a                             day surgery pathway/protocol for patients requiring admission. This was presented at the                               regional business meeting and unanimously agreed its implementation. Chase Farm &                                   Barnet Hospital.

2013                 Treatment of Diversion Colitis with Faecal Transplantation. Presented by our stoma                                 nurse specialist at Association of Stoma Care Nurses, Newport, October 2013. Queens                                   Hospital.

2003                 Improving Post-Operative Survival at Khartoum Charity Hospital, Sudan.  I initiated a                           project to improve post-operative survival while doing voluntary work at the Khartoum                                 Charity Hospital, Sudan.  This implemented numerous pillars of clinical governance in                                   educated both patients and staff through seminars and posters which are currently in use                                 throughout the hospital


2021 on            Management of Diverticular disease and implementation of NG147 Guidelines.                                       Created and supervising the Trusts adherence to these NICE guidelines.

2020 on            Management of Acute Bowel Obstruction. Created and supervising the Trusts adherence                              to  guidelines set out by NICE and Royal Colleges.


2019 on            Current Adherence to Enhanced Recovery Protocols (ERP) for Post-Operative Cancer                           Resection Patients. I have created this audit and supervising this audit to build a business                             case for introducing an ERP to BTUH. Findings are currently being presented and written                               up for publication.


2019                 Acute Bowel Obstruction (NCEPOD) for Basildon & Thurrock Hospital. I enrolled                                 Basildon Hospital into this national audit. This lead to recommendations that I have                                       implement into clinical practice within the Trust by creating emergency surgery referral                                 pathways within the Trust.


2016                 Accurate documentation of the Early Warning Score system on surgical wards and                                 whether protocols were followed. Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel.


2014                 National Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Audit.  I worked to setup and run this 2 month                             national audit. This provided data for the CholeS Collaborative National Audit for multiple                             subsequent publications. Chase Farm and Barnet Hospital, London.


2013                 Audit looking at compliance into VTE scoring, TED and clexane prescribing for acute                           surgical patients admitted to Queens hospital. Audit cycle completed with improvement.


2013                 Audit looking at abdominal investigations carried out for acute surgical admissions.                               This ongoing audit is looking at investigations carried out for surgical patients admitted and                           whether these were carried out according to local and national policies. Queens Hospital,                               Romford.


2008                 The Role of Prophylactic Antibiotic Therapy in Hook Wire Local Excision for Breast                             Cancer:  I looked at the Royal College of Surgeons and BASO recommendations and                                     whether prophylactic antibiotic therapy reduced the rate of infection following Hook Wire                             Local Excision.  This was presented at the Society of Academic and Research Surgery,                                   Birmingham and published in the British Journal of Surgery (Brit J Surg; 95(S4): 1–33,                                 2008). Supervisors:  Mr Joglekar, Miss S. Downey and Mr. Perrera, Consultant Surgeons,                               JPH


2007                 Clinical and Economic Impact of Post-Myringotomy and Grommet Follow-up: What is                           the Way Forward?:  We looked at all patients (n=181) who had grommets inserted in 2005,                             looked at whether we followed local policy and evaluated if this was beneficial or cost                                   effective. Oral Presentation and won the prize at the Paget Club July 2007.   Presented at the                           Clinical Audit Symposium 2007, JPH.  Published in The West London Medical Journal; Vol                           1 No 2; pp 49-57, 2009.

                         Supervisors:  Mr. P. Prinsley and Mr. S. Hashmi, Consultant ENT Surgeons, JPH

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