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Managerial Skills and Positions of Responsibility



07/2020 on      Royal College of Surgery Lead Unit Training Director/College Tutor for Basildon Hospital:                              Following developing the education of surgical trainees at Basildon, I was competitively                                    appointed as Lead UTD/College Tutor.


01/2020 on      Lead for Emergency Surgery & Ambulatory Surgical Care at Basildon Hospital: I have                                      continued to develop Emergency Department/SDEC/SATU pathways for surgery. I am also                                involved in re-structuring the surgical departmental services for improved patient safety,                                    effectiveness and experience.


2019 on           Championing the Criteria Lead Discharge for Surgical Patients at BTUH. Working in a                                      multidisciplinary manner, I have devised a criteria lead discharge form for the safe expedited                            discharge of surgical patients. This aims to provide earlier safe discharge of in-patients                                      allowing for reduced elective cancellation of cases, improved A&E discharge targets and have                          financial benefits to the Trust.


2019 on           Championing the Enhanced Recovery Program at BTUH. Having previously implemented                                this on my fellowship, I am now working to formalise its implementation and training for all                              staff members involved through close working with multidisciplinary specialities at Basildon                            Hospital.


2019 on           Surgical Consultant Member for Diabetic Committee for Surgery. Following the JBDS – IP                                publication, I have been working to improve the care of diabetic surgical patients at BTUH in                            accordance with its guidelines at every stage of the patient pathway. This also includes                                      ongoing training of doctors in the management of diabetic surgical patients.


2018 on            Surgical Emergency (ED) & Ambulatory Pathways at Basildon & Thurrock Hospital. From                               July 2018, I have been tasked with and created a number of ambulatory pathways accepted for                           use throughout all Trust hospitals. This allow for increased bed capacity, earlier discharge,                                 less elective cancellations and huge financial and target benefits. I also modified and created                             ED pathways for appropriate investigation, management and referral of surgical patients                                     which also aids in meeting ED targets. These are currently ongoing projects.  


2018 on            Consultant Lead for the Surgical Junior Teaching Programme and Journal Club at BTUH.                                 Surgical educational training was ‘red flagged’ in the last GMC survey and by the Deanery. I                             have successfully implemented a junior doctors training program in response to this that                                     includes Registrar involvement. The success through formal feedback has opened training                                 opportunities to all doctors at BTUH.


2016 on            Company Director for Academy Central (Pembroke) RTM Company LTD. I have negotiated                             and initiated changes in management companies for the running of a 38 unit block of                                         apartments. I ensure ongoing management is economically cost effective, legal requirements                             are met and best services and value for money are gained.



2017-18            Responsible for timetabling and organising the surgical rota for Peterborough City Hospital.

2015                  Emergency Surgery Steering Group – Trainee Representative. Queens Hospital, Essex.

2010-11             Award in Management – Level 5.  Successfully completed with The Institute of Leadership                                and Management (ILM).  This course was focused more towards healthcare systems and                                    following application of principles into the workplace I was awarded a FInstLM in 2019.

2010                  About Time Public Leaders Course. Successfully gained a place following national                                            competition.  This is run to give candidates the skills and knowledge to become effective                                    leaders in senior public appointments and as non-executive public directors for public                                        organisations such as the NHS.

2008-12             Honorary Clinical Teacher/Lecturer for University College London Medical School.

2006-07             Treasurer and co-organiser of the Doctors’ Mess, James Paget Hospital, Norfolk

2002-04             President of the UCL Surgical Society, Medical Student Liaison Memberfor the RCS &                                    Collaborated with Opportunities in Surgery and Women in Surgical Training (RCS): Driving                              forward surgical education at UCL (1999-2001) and informing college students about                                        medical careers.

2003-On            Elective work at the Khartoum Charity Hospital, Sudan.  Implementation of numerous pillars                            of clinical governance to improve post-operative survival by risk assessment, public                                          involvement and education.

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