2019 Fellowship of Institute of Leadership & Management (FInstLM)
2016-17 Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), England
2014 Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery, IRCAD/EITS & University of Strasbourg, France
2008-14 Ph.D. Endothelin receptors in Colorectal Cancer (UCL)
2011 Level 5 Award in Management. Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM)
2006-07 M.R.C.S. The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
1998-04 M.B.B.S. University College London Medical School (UCL)
2002 B.Sc. Molecular Medicine & Medical and Clinical Sciences (UCL)

Enquires/Bookings: +44 7861 979915 or advice@thesurgicalclinic.co.uk
Private Secretary
Courses & Conferences
Clinical Course
02/2021 Abdominal Reconstruction, Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe.
04/2019 Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basildon Hospital, Essex (Candidate – re-forwarded for IC)
02/2016 Damage Control Surgery, Royal London Hospital, London
11/2015 EAES Laparoscopic Lower GI Course (5 days), University of Dundee, Scotland
09/2015 OGD Mandatory Training for JAG Accreditation, St. Georges Hospital, London
05/2015 Cadaveric Amputation Course, St. Mary’s Hospital, London.
05/2015 Tomorrows Leaders Workshop: Clinical Trials in Surgical Oncology, RCS London
Including Certificate in Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products and Good Clinical Practice (CTIMP GCP certificate)
07/2014 Intensive General Surgery Laparoscopic Course, IRCAD/EITS, Strasbourg, France
05/2013 Safeguarding Adults & Safeguarding Children National Level 3, Queens Hospital, Essex
05/2013 Basic Skills in Colonoscopy, WIMAT, Cardiff
10/2011 Masterclass in Laparoscopic Hernia Repair, King George Hospital, Essex
10/2010 Advanced Trauma Life Support, Prince Charles Hospital, Wales (InstructorCandidate)
09/2008 European Paediatric Life Support, Prince Charles Hospital, Wales (Full Instructor)
01/2008 Core Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery, The Homerton Hospital, London
06/2007 Cambridge Surgical Anastomosis Course, Cambridge University, Mr Quick /Prof. Kirk
01/2007 Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP), Northwick Park Hospital, London
06/2006 Basic Surgical Skills Course. Basildon University Teaching Hospital
09/2005 Advanced Life Support, James Paget University Teaching Hospital, (Full Instructor)
Teaching Course
01/2021 Faculty Development Day for the East of England Deanery, Virtual Online, Essex
10/2020 Educational & Clinical Supervisors Course (National Course), Basildon Hospital, Essex
09/2017 Train the Trainers Course, Mile End Hospital, London
09/2012 Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor Course, Royal College of Surgeons, London
02/2009 Teaching Improvement Project System (TIPS) 1: Teaching for healthcare professionals, UCL.
02/2009 Teaching Improvement Project System (TIPS) 3: Lectures & Large Group Teachings, UCL
02/2009 Teaching Improvement Project System (TIPS) 2: Clinical & Bedside Teaching, UCL
10/2007 Generic Instructor Course: ALS/EPLS instructor, tutor and mentor Course, RLH
02/2007 OSCE Examiner Training: Examining & teaching medical students for OSCEs. James Paget University Hospital and University of East Anglia Medical School.
11/2020 American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Virtual conference, USA
11/2018 Colorectal Joint Meeting Away-Day, Basildon Hospital,Essex
12/2014 ACPGBI & SICCR NE Thames 3rd Joint Meeting, Royal College of Physicians, London
04/2013 Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT), Consultant awarded The Silver Scalpel.
11/2011 British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), 2 oral BJS prize & 1 poster presentation, London
10/2011 ET-12 Conference & awarded Young Investigators Award, 1 oral and 1 poster presentation, Cambridge University
01/2011 Society of Academic Research Surgery (SARS), 2 oral presentation publications, Dublin.
01/2010 Society of Academic Research Surgery (SARS), 2 oral presentation publications. Worked with the organizing committee, Royal Free Hospital London.
11/2009 British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), 1 oral presentation, London
09/2009 ET-11 Conference, 1 oral & 1 poster presentation, Montreal Canada
05/2009 1st International Cardiovascular Conference, UCL Medical School, London